the reason why i’d rather be in palestine than here

one gets to thinking these days….

the reason why i’d much rather be in palestine – anytime, but especially now – is because when together with people acknowledge and fight oppression, i can stand against soldiers, but the indifference and ingorance of people around me outside of palestine takes all the fight and energy out of me. i have a lot more strenght when i’m in palestine – and it’s not that “life” and “work” keeps me too busy here, for fuck’s sake, in palestine, one also works and deals with the daily stuff.

people here don’t get why i’m longing to be back in palestine, why it’s much harder being away than being there, especially now, but not only. they think it’s some mother-theresa-like do-good i-want-to-sacrifize-myself-for-others thing especially the “sacrifize for others” idea so misreads global politics – what happens in palestine and elsewhere is linked to privilege and lifestyles with lack of other freedoms here, it’s my struggle, too. and then people say “you can do a lot of good here, too” or “look at the x people, why don’t you help them?”
AGAIN, i am not HELPING anyone, solidarity is not about people stooping down to help, it’s about knowing that we stand together. this is my struggle, too. and yes, i could be fighting it from a focus on indigenous rights or other human rights in chiapas, in kashmere, for refugee rights in europe (and i try). but again, that idea misreads at least ME. and yes, especially outside of europe, say, again, in chiapas, i WOULD be surrounded by people who know, many of whom fight (oppression, capitalism, imperialism, ethic cleansing, etc.). i WOULND’T be faced with that much indifference or ingorance (at least concerning some core issues of global politics). so the type of people around me are probably not the only reason i’d rather be in palestine. the truth is, it’s because i feel at home in palestine – and not here and not in those other places where the masses know and where many resist. believe it or not, it’s the pace of life, culture, etc. in palestine itself that i’m longing for, in spite of of the occupation and in spite of some inner-palestinian stuff that isn’t that great either. i don’t yearn to return because i have a secret tendendy towards martyrdom, but because people KNOW and many RESIST there AND because i do feel home there, because my adopted families there are closer to me than my own family for private reasons.

as for gaza, i’ve never been, i’m west bank tied and it’s my life in the west bank that i long to return to. and obviously, the indifferencebut as far as this “you’ll be in danger” argument goes, even if i was in gaza, as an privileged non-palestinian, the chances of me getting killed or seriously injured are slim (no need to inform me of the few excptions). i’m not the target, palestinians are, my families there are.

and i do think it’s outside of palestine that internationals need to be fighting, that it is here that we need to change things. but to go back to the top, i have very little strength here, i need people who acknowledge oppression DAILY around me in order to really fight and move things.

it’s also why, when in palestine, i rarely go to east jerusalem or the territories of 48, though as an international, i have am granted the right to do so while the most indigenous are not. it’s not only because i feel very uncomfortable enjoying a privilege that palestinians in the west bank and gaza, not to mention the refugees outside, so yearn for and are denied. it’s also, and perhaps mostly because seeing the ignorance and indifference there, being around the other side of the oppression, … it’s like kryptonite? it saps all my energies and i only

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max blumenthal: family home of tarek abu kheir ransacked, family members arrested

ouff! as soon as 15 year old tarek abu kheir (who was so violently beaten up at the funeral of his cousin, and then arrested, and then released to house arrest after pressure from the US consulate because he is a US citizen) and his parents left to return to the US, police raided and completely ransacked their family’s home in shu’fat. they also arrested his cousin and uncle. the pain and abuse that this family continues to experience!

Israeli police ransack Tariq Abu Khdeir family home and arrest relatives in apparent revenge raid

The Abu Khdeir home following vandalism by the Israeli police. (Photo provided by Hassan Shibly)

Just hours after 15-year-old Tariq Abu Khdeir left for Ben Gurion International Airport to return home to Tampa, Florida, Israeli police raided and ransacked the home of his family in the Shufat neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. The police arrested Abu Khdeir’s uncle and cousins without charges.

The Israeli motive appears to have been revenge for the family’s role in publicizing CCTV footage of Abu Khdeir’s brutal beating at the hands of Israeli police, and their public campaign to secure his return to the US.

Abu Khdeir had been jailed without charges after being beaten inches from his life during rioting in Shufat in protest of the murder of his cousin, Muhammad Abu Khdeir, by Israeli nationalists seeking vengeance. Footage of the beating was aired on news outlets around the world:

By beseeching a shockingly obstinate Florida congressional delegation to agitate for Abu Khdeir’s release and return home, his family generated further media attention, throwing the Israeli government on the defensive. Under pressure from the US State Department, Israeli police finally released the brutalized teen on July 16.

photo 1 (1)

According to Hassan Shibly, the director of CAIR-Florida and legal counsel to the Abu Khdeir family, Tariq Abu Khdeir headed for the airport with his parents at 6 AM on July 17. Back in Shufat, the day passed without any disturbances. At 1 AM, however, a squadron of Israeli police burst into the Abu Khdeir family home in Shufat and ransacked the place, smashing furniture and emptying cabinets with reckless abandon.

The Abu Khdeir home following vandalism by the Israeli police. (Photo provided by Hassan Shibly)

The police left with Tariq Abu Khdeir’s 59-year-old uncle, Iesa, in handcuffs, along with his cousins Musaa and Anen.

Musaa Abu Khdeir’s mother told Shibly she was informed by a magistrate judge that her son and Iesa Abu Khdeir would be released but they remain in custody.

According to Shibly, the family is “terrified.”

As the army bombards Gaza by sky and invades it by land, pushing the civilian death toll over 200, the police raid back in Shufat suggests that Israel’s thirst for revenge has become insatiable.

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something funny this time: jon stewart on this war on gaza

i laughed 🙂

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another article on the killing of the baker boys on the beach

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not about religion! jews protesting against zionism/attack on gaza

i’ll never get tired of repeating that THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS CONFLICT. it’s not about judaism and it certainly is not about judaism vs. islam. while the zionists like to equate zionism with judaism and therefore claim that criticism of israel equals anti-semitism (a wrong word, incidentally), and while many muslims repeat this false binarism, the situation in palestine is not one caused by two religions not being abled to work it out. it’s one of genocide, ethnic leansing, white supremacism, colonization and apartheid.

zionism is bad and has NOTHING to do with judaism except that it hijacks it for its purposes, as it hijacked the holocaust for the same).

in palestine, there are rabbis and othodox jews standing with us against zionism (and of course “we” are palestinians, internationals and the small but couragous and tireless handful of usual jewish israeli activists). at the funeral of mohammad abu kheir, who was kidnapped by settlers, forced to drink gasoline and burned alive, there were orthodox jews paying condolences, and they were welcome.

see for instance here and here and here or check out jewish voice for peace (which is only one of COUNTLESS jewish organisations against zionism, not counting the many inside historic palestine that are being criminalised and persecuted by their own authorities and media). also, you might want to read this post by someone i don’t know (it’s just a random pick, there are many like this).

meanwhile, not only palestinian activists in 48/israel get attacked by mobs and arrested by the police, but also jewish israelis who take a stance against zionist practices and policies. this is nothing new, but judging from reports, it does seem to be getting worse. as this post recounts, activists were even attacked in “we don’t care about shit” tel aviv – and that is saying something.

reportedly 10.000 jews in NYC protesting against zionism

reportedly 10.000 jews in NYC protesting against zionism

demonstration in front of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 16, 2014

demonstration in front of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 16, 2014

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