someone else’s words

there’s stuff i’m wanting to write, waiting to write, and not managing. in the absence of mine, i’m reposting the words of one razan ghazzawi, a young woman i don’t know at all, whose roots tie her to bloodied syria. her words, in another context, strike the chord that i’m not managing to hit on my own in words – especially these:

I sometimes feel shocked, that you’re still dead. Because you’re not disappearing, at all, from my life. I keep mentioning you in conversations, laughing at you, I keep seeing your photos on my accounts. Bassel, I don’t get how you’re still dead. You’re one of my best friends, and it’s not getting easier, and time is not healing shit, and thinking about you still makes me cry. Do you understand?

i am grateful that my bests are still alife, that my brother is still alife, that my family is still alife and i hope i’ll be blessed with their long and healthy lives. i wish razan and everyone with similar pain strength, love, and i don’t know, that they heal somehow. here’s her entire post.

And You’re Still Dead

Do you remember when it all started? I think I added you on Facebook. I met you the day before at Sham Mahal bar, you, Salina and Kinana were organizing this movie screening club. The first movie you screened was SlingShot Hip Hop. I remember we were talking about losing weight, but you were proud of your belly. “Without my belly I wouldn’t have managed to drink my coffee when I am laying down on bed,” you explained.

I remember your hair, that magnificent smile of yours.

You were reading my blogposts, you said to me once on gtalk. I was thrilled. You and I got closer when the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt started. Do you remember those days? We were alive again, no, we were born for the first time in our lives. Look at me smiling just by remember those days. Our time has come, we all knew it.



You were one of the organizers to the sit-in in front of the Egyptian embassy. You were about to be detained if Lina hadn’t pulled you from their hands. I need to tell you something, whenever I see Lina I feel you’re with us, sitting on the third empty chair next to us. Listening. Bassel, do you miss me like I miss you terribly? It hurts, Bassel, you need to do something about this pain. No one else could.

Lina and Bassel marching for Palestinian rights in Lebanon,  July 1st 2010.

Lina and Bassel marching for Palestinian rights in Lebanon, July 1st 2010.

You sent me a message when Days of Anger was announced. You and I were sitting in Rawda cafe, waiting for a miracle to happen. In the cafe, we were the only civilians, the rest were intelligence in disguise. Then we decided to leave before they come to us. But they did come as soon as we were leaving. “Give us your IDs,” five men showed up asking in authoritative tone. “Why?” I asked in fear. But you just handed them your ID, your face turned yellow. They checked your name and let us go. “It’s not him,” they murmured as they left us be.

We agreed together later on that showing up in that day was the stupidest thing we ever did in our lives. It’s stupid, but we were children hungry for a little bit of inspiration, right?

Then the revolution in Syria started, and you were funny Bassel, really, I was posting the updates on demonstrations occurring and you were sending me messages: “Razan, you’re crazy! Make an anonymous profile, they’ll catch you!”.

But who would believe an unknown person, Bassel? That’s why we used our real names to spread news. You were traveling with your motorcycle at the time, and I had to leave to Lebanon quickly when Amer was detained. Good times.



Then we returned. You returned for good, you died, Bassel. You died in the land you worked for till the last breath. Till the last breath. Your eyes closed or was it them who closed them for you? Why do I need to know all this?

I sometimes feel shocked, that you’re still dead. Because you’re not disappearing, at all, from my life. I keep mentioning you in conversations, laughing at you, I keep seeing your photos on my accounts.

Bassel, I don’t get how you’re still dead. You’re one of my best friends, and it’s not getting easier, and time is not healing shit, and thinking about you still makes me cry. Do you understand? We’ve lost so much of our humanity, we’ve became numb to news, but you can still make me cry. How can you be dead to me, Bassel, when you’re the one who’s making me human again?

You need to know this, I envy you, really. You were in love, I loved how you were telling me about her when you were in Homs, all you talked about was her. And I was just giggling. That damn boy is in love. That was four days before they killed you. Four days.

Bassel Shehada in Homs, this photo was taken one hour before he was killed by a mortar grenade on 28th. May 2012.

Bassel Shehada in Homs, this photo was taken one hour before he was killed by a mortar grenade on 28th. May 2012.

The last time I saw you it was in Damascus, Sarouja. I held you and told you: you know that you’re very dear to me, right?”. You held me back and smiled. You said nothing. When I first heard that you died, I thought about that scene so many times. I thought to myself “why didn’t he say anything back? wasn’t I dear to him too?” and I cried a lot Bassel, can you imagine? You died and that’s all what I thought about for first few minutes. Then she told me that you liked me a lot, you even defended me countless times and I had no idea. I had no idea.

Ever since you died and I am becoming this expressive person, “I love you,” is what I keep telling people. “I love you” in case something happened, so you would know how I felt towards you.

No one will read this long post, right? But it’s for you Bassel. Be patient with me, I still can’t believe you’re dead.



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too much

no energy, not to check news, not to call anne, not to find out what’s going on in gaza. found out by chance that karme khateeb died this morning morning. during the clashes after the funeral, i overheard bilal say to someone, “haitham’s son”. i turned and said “yes, he’s ill”. bilal said “he’s dead”. he didn’t know he was close to me. that he is a child that i love, very much, and whose health and illness his mother shared a lot with me. neither khawla, nor haitham called me, because of rushdi’s funeral.

karme’s funeral was also today. he died in hospital in his mother’s lap. my baby.

the last time i saw him, he was only bones, it hurt to pick him up, his huge eyes were looked too big for his body and face, he looked like a poster child of some food aid campaign with starving children in africa. he could barely speak. he tried to eat everything i bought, just put it in his mouth and spit out again. after what – two months? i can’t remember – he got out of hospital in quds, for a few days, for 3eid i think, before going back for more of whatever they tried to do there. his father and brother could visit him only after a month, they didn’t have a permit before. no one else from the village or family could. habibi habibi habibi habibi habibi i want to be at two azas at once, i want to be in nabi saleh and bil3in, i want to understand that rushdi was martyred and that karme died, i want to see rushdi’s family continue to live, and i want to see khawla and mohammad and haitham crying, sleeping, cooking, cleaning, washing hands, i want to see that. i want to be nowhere. allah yer7amak habibi ya karmi, mish musadaqa.

and just then mohammad in gaza (the child that survived getting bombed by a drone last ramadan, but whose cousin didn’t) called to say they received leaflets from planes that they shoud leave the area (which is close to what zionists consider the border) and that they didnt know what to do. his father then said they were going to gaza city for a bit, i fell asleep spent, he called me, i couldn’t answer, i imagine he meant to say they arrived.

i hear nariman was in hospital, will see now. feeling numb, sad, too much pain for too many people i love. marah, 12, is watching the video of the day rushdi was shot,  from the funeral, reading his last post, and crying while i write this. no idea, no energy to read about what happened in gaza. ya ghazza…

check anne’s last post on
check for pics from funeral and other stuff on

(i’m getting “stay strong” and “take care of yourself” etc messages. thanks everyone but please, PLEASE don’t send me these messages either. i’m ok. it’s the unbearable pain of people i love that hurts, people who needed a break from this piling-up of pain long before rushdi and karmi and abu mustafa and mustafa and…)


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mourning AGAIN. rushdi tamimi was murdered

i should post stuff about gaza, stuff about west bank, i’m too tired. i’ll post stuff tmw. too much shit is going on, but also good resistance/solidarity but… i don’t know what to write, say, do. last i checked – this morning, the number of martyrs in غزة was over 90. we were either in the street or at the hospital because of rushdie. when there’s a hundred martyrs, among them children, babies, sometimes a whole family wiped out, sometimes several children from one family burned/crushed/blown up/.. it’s seems almost selfish to talk about one martyr. still. this evening, rushdie died.

after rollercoaster at fkn ramallah hospital, rushdi died, rushdi, nariman’s brother, the second martyr in less than a year in nabi saleh, rushdi, relative of pretty much everyone here. i could try to describe who broke down in which way, who needed medical aid when we heard the news, who needed to be carried away, who is still …. i can’t describe. i can’t describe the pain i see in people’s faces, their break downs, their attempts to stay strong, and break downs, it’s too much. i’m spent from knowing they’re again in this unbearable, incredible pain. i think i should look up what happened in gaza and here (reports kept coming in of serious injuries, arrests, etc. in west bank) but i’m worn out. i don’t know any more. it’s all too much, been too much a good while ago. there’s no break for the few familys in this community that i feel close to, unbearable things keep coming at  them, people are still struggling hard to get back on their feet, their scars are still breaking my heart, when the next fucking up blow comes.

الله يرحمك يا رشدي و الله يعطي صبر على اهلك

i’m posting below what i wrote earlier about what happened saturday. one correction: we are not sure whether the wound on his forehead was from the butt of a rifle, from getting dragged after getting shot, or beaten or a stone or… there’s different versions. we’ll not know cause no one could film as they were shooting life ammu like hell. i held him in my arms trying while nariman, naji and hilme fought with the soldiers who continued to try to arrest him and threatened to or did shoot at anyone coming close. nariman claimed he was my brother so they wouldn’t stop me/shoot me. i held him and asked how he was. he said he couldn’t see. he was in ICU for two days, but supposedy “fine”, “stable”, until this afternoon when it was discovered way too late that he wasn’t. he’s had three temporary cardiac arrests today, perhaps internal bleeding, he was too unstable to transport to hadassa hospital in the afternoon, everyone had to wait for him to either die or get stabilized, no one thought he’d die, everyone was scared, but no one thought he would, he was fine this morning, he was fine yesterday, his sister jiji had cooked for everyone thinking he’d get released and everyone would go to their home in ramallah for dinner. one doctor then said he was stable, people were preparing the transfer, the transportation, preparing the papers, shukri would go with him in the ambulance, his brother 3aboud, who just arrived from jordan today, would try to go by car. and then came the news.

the way the hospital dealt with things….. i’ll write about that later. i’m tired. it hurts so much to see strong people, people i love, beautiful people in this much pain AGAIN. i’ll stop here.

what is happening these days in the rest of palestine is no comparison to the ongoing massacre in gaza, but as a friend said today “we’re in war and the west bank is included” – in the sense that the army is using much more violence here. several people and groups are trying to understand how many people were seriously injured and arrested on this side, it’s hard to know. no comparison to gaza, but we feel it too. but here’s what happened yesterday in nabi saleh:

i’ve not heard so much life ammu being shot before – the video leaves out some parts. when rushdie, brother of nariman, jiji, noora, 3aboud, shukri, shaker and shaher, nephew of Naji among others, uncle of jehad, sami, samia, amany, wa3d, ahed, abu yazan, salam, ahmad, na3’am, medo, hamada, osama, samer, rand, hesham, etc., cousin of bilal, manal, nawwal anan, hamoda, mara7, bissan, nour,  etc., father of 3’azzal, was shot, they were shooting life like crazy. rawan tried to continue filming but they kept shooting. everyone kept crouching down. helmi took the camera and got up and was shot at immediately. nariman – who was at home, actually counting her blessing that nothing serious happened on friday – came out running, grabbed the camera and ran down. she only realized it’s her brother when she arrived. then hilme and naji made it down in spite of threats. the soldiers kept pointing guns, shooting and wanting to arrest rushdi. he had a head wound, while lying there, he said he couldn’t see, now we can. we thought the wound was from another bullet, but it was actually from the butt of a rifle, they hit him in the head when he was shot. you can see how much his family had to fight and risk to get him away from the army and to hospital. he’s ok, in the sense, he will survive. he’s in the ICU, the bullet entered his leg (he says he can’t feel his leg) and went into his intestines. his family is at the hospital (again), waiting for news, while everyone is hoping no one will get arrested tonight. interesting how much soldiers tried to hide their faces from the camera …

check anne’s latest post at

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gaza and rest of palestine

from a mail i wrote hi, i don't have time to compile a post. so i'm sending u different stuff i wrote today. plz do read

1) anne's latest post:

this is from what i wrote on fb, hence the weired names

about the nabi saleh stuff
nabi saleh yesterday
what is happening these days in the rest of palestine is no comparison to
the ongoing massacre in gaza, but as a friend said today "we're in war and
the west bank is included" - in the sense that they army is using much

more violence here.
several people and groups are trying to gather how many people were
seriously injured and arrested on this side, it's hard to know. i'll post
something about that in a bit.
but here what happened yesterday in nabi saleh. i've never heard so much
life ammu being shot before - the video cut out some parts. when rushdie
brother of Nariman Tamimi, Jiji Tamimi, noura, shukri, shaker, etc.,
nephew of Naji Tamimi among others, uncle of نعم انا جهاد and Waed Tamimi
and Tamimi Ahed among others, cousin of Bilal Tamimi and Manal Tamimi
among others was shot, they shot life like crazy. Tamimi Rawan Tamimi
first tried to continue filming but they kept shooting. everyone kept
crouching. helmy took the camera and got up and was shot at immediately.
nariman - who was at home, actually counting her blessing that nothing
serious happened for on friday - came out running, grabbed the camera and
ran down, while they kept shooting around her (video doesn't make that
clear). she only realized it's her brother when she arrived. then hilme
and Naji made it down in spite of threats. the soldiers kept pointing
guns, shooting and wanting to arrest rushdie. he had a head wound, while
lying there, he said he couldn't see, now we can. we thought the wound was
from another bullet, but it was actually from the butt of a rifle, they
hit him in the head when he was shot.
you can see how much his family had to fight and risk to get him away from
the army and to hospital.
he's ok, in the sense, he will survive. he's in the ICU, the bullet
entered his leg (he says he can't feel his leg) and went into his
intestines. his family is at the hospital (again), waiting for news, while
everyone is hoping no one will get arrested tonight.
interesting how much soldiers tried to hide their faces from the camera ...

4) i wanted to write a post, about stuff happening here in west bank, about how cool it is that a pretty large convoy of egyptian activists entered gaza today, with anne's last posts and pictures, some stuff that anne said today, but i am tired. maybe tmw. what i do want to say is this: ane said that people feel strongly the connection to palestinians elsewhere (specially in deffa u quds), feel they
are not alone, feel also he support outside of palestine and are getting strength etc from it. i don't remember her words exactly and i know she only described what a small part of the population seems to think/feel, but for what it's worth, i'd paraphraze what she described as an attitude of "fuck them! we're under war, but we are not alone, and we WILL FIGHT!" yalla, while people are being killed in gaza and arrested in west bank, i'll leave internet access place now. i wished that kullkum tisba7u 3ala 5eir insha'allah u al sha3b fee ghazza akdar eshy

5) hey everyone, making a call here. if anyone feels like donating whatever sum, please let me know. people in gaza (especially the activists that are reporting, but also "normal" people like mohammad's family) need phone credit, the activists need a lot of it. and some ppl need other things. i'm not fundraising right now for the much needed medical aid etc., but just wanted to let u know, if anyone wants to donate and trust me to distribute it wisely, et me know

good night (for me, not for many others)


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another morning after.

apparrently last night was way worse. anne stayed for a while in one of the fancy hospitals with some journalists that’s least likely to get struck, in order to work. then they went down to an apartment on a lower floor to try to sleep for two hours. she’s now out documenting the horror.

numbers and reports are still coming in. we’ll know the “statistics” later. i’ll never KNOW what happened there, i can’t imagine.

here’s anne’s post from last night

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gaza under military attack- Day 2





(c) Anne Paq/, Gaza, 15 November 2012

Its 5 am and I am up…I could not sleep with the noise of the constant bombings and rockets, shattering the windows. I actually went down to another flat with internationals, judging that it was safer than being on the fourth floor. Internet is back, which is a relief. We hear the call of prayer- this is comforting.

Day 2 was again awful. It started with the funerals of the 8 Palestinians killed the day before, including some children and babies. I went to the funeral of the family Misharawi (photos 2,3,4,5). Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic picture editor, lost his 11-month-old son Omar, and his sister in law Heba, both burned, when a shrapel hit their house and provoked some fire. The day continues in Al Shifa struggling again with the number of casualties.

Yesterday evening I went to work in Al Deera as they have fast connection, its also safe because this is the hotel where some international journalists and UN staff are staying.
The bombings last night were all over the Gaza strip, I cannot imagine all the damages and misery they provoked.

We have so far 19 martyrs and more than 130 injured, accurate figures will be available later today but they are rising all the time.

I will try to sleep at least one hour.


Il est 5 heures du matin et je suis debout … Je ne pouvais pas dormir avec le bruit des bombardements constants et des fusées, secouant les fenêtres. En fait, je suis descendue à un autre appartement avec des internationaux, jugeant qu’il était plus sûr que d’être au quatrième étage. Internet est de retour, ce qui est un soulagement. Nous entendons l’appel de la prière, cela a aussi quelque chose de rassurant.

Le  Jour 2 de l’operation militaire israelienne à Gaza  a de nouveau été terrible. Cela a commencé avec les funérailles des 8 Palestiniens morts la veille, y compris des enfants et des bébés. Je suis allée à l’enterrement de la famille Misharawi (photos 2,3,4,5). Jihad Misharawi, un éditeur d’image de la BBC en arabe, a perdu son fils Omar de 11 mois, et sa belle-soeur Heba, morts des suites de brûlures, quand un shrapel a frappé leur maison et a provoqué un incendie. La journée s’est poursuivie a Al Shifa qui doit faire face avec legrand nombre de victimes.

Hier soir, je suis allée travailler à Al Deera car ils disposent d’une connexion rapide, c’est aussi un endroit sur parce que c’est l’hôtel oùse retrouvent les journalistes internationaux et des membres du personnel des Nations Unies.

Les attaques de la nuit dernière ont touché toute la bande de Gaza, je ne peux pas imaginer tous les dommages et la misère qu’elles ont provoqué.

Nous avons à ce jour 19 martyrs et plus de 130 blessés, des chiffres précis seront disponibles dans la journée, mais ils sont à la hausse tout le temps.

Je vais essayer de dormir au moins une heure.

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