yesterday, 8 years ago, tom hurndall was declared dead

yesterday, 8 years ago, the often forgotten hero tom hurndall was declared dead after nine months in coma. he was shot by a sniper in gaza on april 11 while trying to save children who were getting shot at. no words to express this.

i often think about tom. living in palestine, i know that what might look like self-sacrifice or heroism and courage is often just the only thing one can think of doing – or not even think, it’s the thing one does, period. i keep thinking about tom, i wonder whether he knew that he might get killed (and if i had to bet, i would think no, i would guess that he just didn’t think about that and only knew that those kids had to get out of that line of fire).

tom would have been my age today, had he not been murdered.
please, take the time to read these articles and watch the video.

the shooting of tom hurndall – trailer

ism: we remember tom hurndall

“not again” – joe smith writes about the shooting of tom hurndall

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another day with messages of arrests and human rights abuses from palestine

today, palestinians exposed and challenged israeli apartheid by driving their cars on roads in the west bank – on their territory, around their villages, etc. – that the israeli apartheid system has declared accessible for jews only. they were illegally build for the benefit of the illegal israeli settlers only, in grave breach of international humanitarian law.
palestinians arrested for driving on their streets

as they were challenging this one of the various symptoms of israeli apartheid, Israeli occupation forces arrested Khaled Atallah Al-Tamimi (Nabi Saleh), Azmi Shyoukhi (Hebron), the young Omar Saleh Al-Tamimi (Nabi Saleh) and a Palestinian girl by the name of Anwar.

in addition, mahmoud zwahre, one of my very close friends was to be arrested, his car and ID was taken away from him, but he managed to evade arrest. at that point, he texted me saying the israeli secret service called him and said that he would be put on a wanted list if he didnt turn himself in for arrest within 30mins. and here i was again sitting in front of a computer, with my phone by my side, trying to stay updated, trying to get someone to make sure his wife doesn’t find out things through the television again, hoping things will be alright and i will talk and joke with him soon.

and soon I heard that he did end up under arrest (a lawyer answered his phone) was first taken to the dco in Jericho and then to ma’ale adumim, where he joined the other four detainees of the “car protest”. So far, we don’t have news, other than that the lawyers are representing them.

in this video, you see Mahmoud prior to the arrests.
mahmoud prior to his arrest

while we are fighting for the liberation of our friends (like ashraf, like naji, like over 100 children, like thousands of others), more of us keep ending up in israeli military prisons, especially if they dare to demand their human rights

more here:

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first friday of the year: bil’in remembers jawaher

it’s the first friday of the year. today, activists protest in remembrance of Jawaher Abu Rahmah, who died on 1.1.2011 due to excessive inhalation of the toxic tear gas that the itf have been using on us. we demand justice, for jawaher, for bassem, for all martyrs. we do not forget, we do not forgive.

article from 4.1.2011

Substantial evidence contradicts the army’s version of the events surrounding the death of Jawaher Abu Rahmah

The evidence surrounding the events leading to the death of Bil’in resident Jawaher Abu Rahmah disproves completely the army spokesperson’s version, to the point of putting the army in a ridiculous light. The army’s version is based on claims made anonymously, without any supporting evidence – unlike the version of the Abu Rahmah family and the Popular Coordinating Committee of Bil’in, which is detailed below.

Since yesterday, the army has been promoting in the Israeli media a mendacious version regarding the events that led to the death of Jawaher Abu Rahmah of Bil’in on Friday, 31 December 2010. According to the army’s version, Jawaher was not injured by tear gas and was possibly not even present at the demonstration. The army spokesperson did not see fit to publish an official statement on the matter, instead passing the information to the media in the name of anonymous “army sources.”

The facts of the matter, which are supported by the testimony of eyewitness who were present at the demonstration, as well as by the ambulance driver who evacuated her to the hospital, contradict completely the army’s version:

Soubhiya Abu Rahmah, mother of Jawaher: “I was standing beside Jawaher on the hill that is near the place where the demonstration took place, when we were injured by a cloud of tear gas. Jawaher began to feel unwell from inhaling the gas and started to move back from the place; soon after that she vomited and collapsed. We took her to the nearest road, and from there she was evacuated by ambulance to the hospital, where she remained until her death. She was not sick with cancer, nor did she have any other illness; and she was not asthmatic.”

Ilham Fathi: I was on the roof of my house, which is located a few meters from where Jawaher stood. When the cloud of tear gas moved in our direction, I went downstairs in order to close the windows. While I was closing one of the windows, I saw her lose consciousness from the gas and ran over to her, together with Islam Abu Rahmah, in order to pull her away. We picked her up together and carried her to my garden. We called for help and she began to vomit and foam at the mouth.

Islam Abu Rahmah: “I was standing with Jawaher, her mother and my grandmother in order to watch the confrontation that was going on just in front of us, in the area of the fence. The wind moved the gas in our direction, making our eyes itch and tear up. After that she (Jawaher) began to cough and foam at the mouth. Soon after that she became weak and lay down on the ground. I succeeded in carrying her as far as the Abu Khamis home, about 40 meters in the direction of her house, but then she became terribly weak, vomited violently and foamed at the mouth. She was having difficult breathing and lost her sense of direction. We got a few women to help her by waving a paper fan over her face in order to provide some oxygen. After that she was taken to the hospital.”

Saher Bisharat, the ambulance who evacuated Jawaher: “We received Jawaher near the entrance that is parallel to the fence, which is where the demonstration was taking place. She was still partially conscious, answered questions, and said that she had choked on gas. I took her straight to the hospital.” (Click here to view the Red Crescent report).

The army has also claimed that the reports about Abu Rahmeh’s injuries started to arrive only several hours after the incident, in the evening. That claim is contradicted by a tweet sent by the NGO Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which reports the injury of Jawaher, including her name, in real time (click here to view). The tweet was sent at 2:36 pm (4:36 am on the East Coast of the United States). Wafa, the Palestinian news service, published a report that includes the injury of Jawaher Abu Rahmah shortly after the event (click here to view).

Also according to “army sources,” which remain anonymous, Jawaher Abu Rahmah suffered from a serious illness, possibly leukemia; the “sources” postulate that she died from a pre-existing condition rather than tear gas inhalation. Several sources reject that claim.

Dr. Uday Abu Nahlah: “Jawaher Abu Rahmah was employed in my home on a regular basis. On Thursday she was at work as usual, healthy, only one day before her death.”.

Jawaher had an inner ear infection, which affected her balance, for which she was recently given a CT scan. The radiologist who performed the CT scan, Dr. Hamis Al Sahfi’i, confirmed that the brain scan was normal (for the CT scan results click here). Jawaher had a minor health issue involving fluids in her inner ear. Her physicians insist that she did not suffer from any illness or from any symptoms that might, if combined with tear gas, lead to her death.

There is not, nor could there be, any indication that Abu Rahmah had cancer; in fact, she was in good health. The director of the hospital refutes the claim that she died from a pre-existing condition:

Mohammed Aida, director of the Ramallah health center where Abu Rahmah received her care: “Jawaher Abu Rahmah died from lung failure that was caused by tear gas inhalation, leading to a heart attack. She arrived at the hospital only partly conscious, and then lost consciousness completely.” Click here for the hospital’s official medical report.

Mohammed Khatib, a member of Bil’in’s Popular Coordinating Committee: “The army is trying to evade its responsibility for Jawaher’s death with lies and invented narratives that have no basis. They are spreading these lies and invented narratives via the media, which is not bothering to do basic fact checking. Our version is supported by named sources and with medical documents. In a properly functioning society, the army’s version, which has been spread by anonymous sources, would not be considered worthy of publication.”

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israeli forces arrested 9 children in the past 3 days

I plan to write much more on Palestinian political prisoners, torture, and the unlawful imprisonment of minors through the Israeli military and police in the next weeks. Right now, after the somewhat publicized release of 50 children from Israeli prison, there are over 100 children currently held in Israeli (military) prisons.

Yesterday alone (3.1.2012), three children were temporarily detained by Israeli forces. Among them was six year old Mohammad Ali Dirbas, who was on his way to a neighborhood store in his native al Issawiya, occupied East Jerusalem, when an undercover unit charged amid a barrage of tear gas canisters and stun grenades and randomly kidnapped him, while other children managed to escape. The Israeli forces then interrogated Mohammad for hours in an unlawful attempt to force him to name children who allegedly threw stones.

I think of the child from silwan i met days after he had been kidnapped and interrogated (badly beaten) for hours until he passed out. He was still shaken. I also remember seeing a mother in silwan crying in the streets and searching frantically for her little son when the iof stormed the neighborhood after the funeral of 16 year old Milad Ayesh. It was terrible. Eventually, she did find him, but it made me think of this stubborn rumor that Palestinian mothers willingly send their sons to die. What a racist, cynical claim.

Also yesterday, 12 year old Mo’at al ‘Araj and another 12 year old child were arrested in Silwan, in addition to, Maha Ghazi Barham, a young woman from Kufr Qaddum near Qalqilya, who was detained at a checkpoint on her way home. and various others.

Today, 15 year old Sa’ad ‘Abd el Fattah Mansour and Mahmoud Ahmad Ridwan and 14 year old Mahmoud Ahmad Othman were detained in al Issawiya. In the past 3 days of this new year, nine Palestinian children have been detained so far.

Here are a few recent reports on the imprisonment of children and torture through Israeli forces

Stone Cold Justice | Israel’s Detention & Torture of Children – policies

Israel Torture Palestinian Children by Electric-Shocking

B’Tselem: Jerusalemite children tortured by Israeli interrogators

Israel Collected $900.000 In Fines Imposed On Jerusalem Children In Nine Months

a video-piece about the detention of Palestinian children:

Stolen Children, Stolen Lives – Israel’s arrest and abuse of Palestinian Children – video

a short video documenting the sudden assault of an undercover unit on Palestinian children playing in silwan

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jawaher, milad, essam, mustapha: four freedom fighters murdered in 2011 during demonstrations in the occupied west bank/east jerusalem

in the occupied west bank and east jerusalem alone, four of us were killed during demonstrations against the apartheid wall or settlements in 2011. All four freedom fighters were killed inside their own village or neighborhood: 36 year old Jawaher Abu Rahmah, sister of martyr and freedom fighter Bassem Abu Rahmeh and the currently imprisoned Ashraf Abu Rahmah, on 1.1. in Bil’in, 16 year old Milad Ayyash on 14.5. in Silwan, 35 year old Essam Aoudhi, father of 8, on 23.9. in qusra , and our 28 old brother Mustapha Tamimi on 9.12., brother of OIa, Saddam, Ziyad, Lo’ai and Oddai, who was held prisoner in military jail during the murder and funeral of his brother, son of Ikhlas and ‘Abd el Rawaq in Nabi Saleh Jawaher, Milad, Essam, Mostapha (and all the 236 martyrs of 2011 alone in occupied Palestine and those before), we miss you, we will not forget you, we will not forgive your murder

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