internet just got back. i have no idea at this point how many palestinians were killed, how many maimed, how many houses and what infrastructure destroyed. what you probably do know is that after a week of constant shelling/bombing/shooting of the people of gaza, three israelis were killed through a self-made rocket.
zionists have launched a new “campaign” (= full-on massacre) yesterday. once more, we are in fear that this is going to be “cast lead II” while hoping that it will be “just” another massacre with “only” some tens of palestinians murdered, a few hundred injured, some more infrastructure and homes destroyed. this is gaza people can’t flee, people can’t seek refuge, people don’t have bunkers, some still don’t even have their homes rebuild after “cast lead”, and whether we admit it or not, we are so used to this that what we hope for is that it’ll be “just” another massacre. that is the extent of world politics, of our helplessness.
here is anne’s post from last night:
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Horror in Gaza under siege and military attack / L’Horreur a Gaza assiegée et attaquée de tous cotés

Gaza is under attack from all sides, including the sea. There are news of 8 martyrs and dozens injured, some of them very serious.
As I write now, I am back in my home. While I was editing pictures I could hear the scary sound of the bombs. The street was soon empty of cars and there is almost no light. I moved far from the window which can get easily smashed of some explositions happened nearby. In Al Shifa hospital that was total chaos with so many injured persons kept coming in.
When I arrived to the section where they treated the burned persons, some women collapsed in grief, they just found out that Omar jihad Masharawi, 1 year old baby just died of his wounds. One of the women was her mother.
I went up with other photographers, i cannot describe what I saw with words, and neither can I post the grim pictures of a burned baby. This is just horrific.
Later the father carried Omar to the morgue, crying his eyes out. I went home. I feel nervous, with the news coming about more attacks, more injured. There is Nowhere to escape in Gaza.
Israel is attacking a civilian population that has committed no crimes than being Palestinians. Dont tell me about the rockets., Palestinians have been dispossessed of most of their lands in 1948, the occupation started in 1967, rockets only started in 2001.
Now please ACT. Israel if there is a BIG international pressure can still back down.
I cant sleep and cant take the image of Omar out of my head. Why did Omar has to die?
Gaza est la cible d’attaques de tous les côtés, y compris de la mer.
On compte deja 8 martyrs et des dizaines de blessés, dont certains très graves.
Au moment où j’écris maintenant, je suis de retour chez moi. Alors que je faisais la selection des photos j’entendais le bruit effrayant des bombes. La rue fut bientôt vide de voitures et il n’y a presque pas de lumière. J’ai bougé loin des fenêtres qui peuvent facilement être brisées si certains explositions arrivent à proximité. Dans l’hôpital Al Shifa c’était le chaos total avec un flot continue de blessés.
Quand je suis arrivée à la section où ils traitent les personnes brûlées, certaines femmes se sont effondrées de chagrin, elles venaient d’apprendre qu’ Omar jihad Masharawi, un bébé de 1 an vennait de mourir de ses blessures. Une des femmes était sa mère. une autre sa grand-mère.
Je suis allée le prendre en photos avec d’autres photographes, je ne peux pas décrire ce que j’ai vu avec des mots, et je ne peux non plus publier ces images d’un bébé brûlé. C’est l horreur la plus totale.
Plus tard, le père d’Omar l’a porté jusqu’a la morgue, en pleurant tous les larmes de son coeur, suivi d’une foule en colere.
Je suis rentree chez moi. Je me sens nerveuse avec toutes les nouvelles d’autres attaques. Il n’y a nulle part pour s’échapper à Gaza.
Israël attaque la population civile qui n’a commis aucun crime autre que d’être Palestiniens. Ne me parlez pas des roquettes., Les Palestiniens ont été dépossédés de la plupart de leurs terres en 1948, l’occupation a commencé en 1967, des roquettes n’ont commencé qu’en 2001.
Maintenant, s’il vous plaît agissez. Israël si il ya une grosse pression internationale peut encore reculer.
Je ne peux pas dormir et ne peux pas chasser l’image d’Omar hors de ma tête. Pourquoi Omar devait-il mourir?
more: good analysis by ali abunimah and on mondoweiss
compilation of updates here
compilation of reports/analysis here
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