more on the “ceasefire” hoax

as i argued yesterday, western media and politicians are once more being hypocrites and complicit in granting israel absolute impunity for its repeated war crimes when they uncritically claim that israel had agreed to a ceasefire that hamas had rejected.

we would love a ceasefire, and so would hamas. in fact, as i argued yesterday, hamas has repeatedly offered a ceasefire based on the conditions of the last ceasefire of 2012 that hamas respected until israel broke it on june 29, but netanyahu repeatedly refused to even negotiate one. see ali abunimah’s post on ei with details on the conditions that hamas insists on.

as i’ve argued yesterday, hamas was never contacted about the ceasefire deal that egypt apparently negotiated with the zionists alone. they found out about it through the media, hence they never even got to reject it.

now more information is now emerging about the bizarre process that lead to this ceasefire annoncement. israeli newspaper haaretz offers more details here and ramzy bargout discusses the process – which he calls a conspiracy  in this video:


ramzy bargout now

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