reblog: top US jewish journalist admits israel broke the ceasefire that hamas respected since 2012

while we talk about ceasefires,  jj goldberg writes the following apparently atypical analysis of who started this massacre and who runs it (i don’t know the man, but jonathan cook describes him as such: “J J Goldberg is the former editor of Forward, a kind of US Jewish establishment weekly, and is still its editor at large. In other words, he’s a very influential voice in the US Jewish community. So it’s pretty surprising to read his take on the events leading up to Israel’s attack on Gaza, and find that there’s not much I’d disagree with. I doubt you’ll see any kind of analysis like this in the New York Times.”)

two quotes that i find telling:

On June 29, an Israeli air attack on a rocket squad killed a Hamas operative. Hamas protested. The next day it unleashed a rocket barrage, its first since 2012. The cease-fire was over.”

“We have been instructed by the political echelon to hit Hamas hard.”
That’s unusual language for a military mouthpiece. Typically they spout lines like “We will take all necessary actions” or “The state of Israel will defend its citizens.” You don’t expect to hear: “This is the politicians’ idea. They’re making us do it.””


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