UPDATED.deutsch: schwester des jungen mannes, der vor laufender kamera erschossen wurde, hat ihn auf dem video erkannt

hier mehr kontext auf englisch. lest das bitte.

was für ein horror… zwei tage lang nach einem geliebten familienmitglied suchen, in krankenhäusern, soziale medien durchforsten und dann sieht ein junges mädchen ein video einer erschiessung (exekutionsstil, ohne vorwarnung, ohne jeglichen grund) und sieht, dass es ihr bruder ist, den sie suchen. tot, erschossen, für alle sichtbar…

macht das nicht, sagt nicht “kann ich mir nicht vorstellen” “ich verstehe nicht, was dort passiert”, spaltet das nicht ab! FÜHLT! palästinenser SIND wie du, wie ich. wenn du nach tagelanger suche, als überlebende/r eines massakers, ein video siehst, dass die runden macht, und dann erkennst, dass der junge mann auf dem video dort, der erschossen wird, dein bruder ist…. nein, mach das nicht, sag jetzt nicht “irgendwie muss das anders sein, da muss noch was anderes sein”.  die junge frau fühlt genau das, was du auch fühlen würdest.


Wounded man killed by Israeli sniper on camera identified

22nd July 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

The injured young man who was shot dead on camera by an Israeli sniper two days ago has been identified as Salem Khalil Salem Shammaly, a 23-year-old resident of Shajiya. After Salem was murdered, the rescue team was unable to recover his body, which like so many others, remains among the rubble.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) contacted human rights organizations in Gaza to attempt to identify the murdered young man but this proved to be impossible. Therefore the video, which has since gone viral, was published describing him as, “the young man in the green shirt.”

Salem’s family had been searching everywhere for him for two days, including on social media where names and photographs of the wounded and dead are constantly being published. According to Mohammed Alqattawi, his cousin, Salem’s sister recognized her brother on the Youtube video uploaded by the ISM.

YouTube Preview ImageWhile the Shammaly family has found out that their missing son is dead, other families are still searching for their loved ones.

Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, one of the doctors from the Norwegian delegation now volunteering in al Shifa Hospital said, “The first attack on Shajiya was for five hours, many people were evacuated from the area, however not everyone was able to leave. Patients have been coming to us doctors and asking us to find their families. We know that they’re either dead, in the ruins, or dying. Yesterday a five-year-old child was admitted to the hospital asking for his parents, but we all knew that they were not able to leave Shajiya, and are probably dead.”

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