not a religious war: jewish voice for peace activists arrested in NYC protesting against gaza massacres

since these days, one is faced with misinformed people on various sides (including within some so-called -pro-palestinian communities outside of palestine that have NO idea about the actual history and reality of the “conflict”) that repeat the zionist myth of a religious “muslims/palestinians against jews” conflict, i feel moved to post once in a while about jews protesting against the ongoing ethnic cleansing of palestine. in reality, it feels ridiculous to even do this, because OF COURSE there are jews against zionism, there are jews, even israeli ones, standing side by side with palestinians facing soldiers in the west bank and east jerusalem (not allowed into gaza) all the time (even if they are few), it shouldn’t be an issue. but since ppl make it one….

yesterday, leading jewish voice for peace (who i don’t always love entirely) activists did some sort of “civil disobedience” thing (some did a die-in apparently, i thought i read somewhere that they read the names of those killed in gaza in the past two-plus weeks, but maybe it was something else) at the offices of “friends of the IDF” (organisation that supports the occupation army). nine members were arrested.

read here


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more more more zionist fascism: bbc arabic reporter attacked

i don’t post most of these things, lunatics (among them soldiers) dancing while watching?/hearing the massacre of shuja’iya from afar, more mobs attacking leftists in various places, more demands to kill all arabs. suffice it to say that we could report several such disgusting manifestations of a dangerous, state-fed ideology per day.

here, what’s interesting is that – when it comes to negative-sounding news, bbc somehow has trouble just saying “in israel”

BBC Arabic reporter attacked on air outside Gaza

July 22 at 11:00 AM

A BBC Arabic journalist was attacked on-air while reporting on the conflict in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning, a video posted on YouTube shows.

Reporter Feras Khatib, who was wearing a protective vest that indicated he was a member of the press, was shoved midway through his report, apparently by an Israeli, according to BBC Arabic. The attacker was quickly shoved away from Khatib by an unidentified man in a “PRESS” vest.

In an e-mail, a BBC Arabic spokesman said the attack took place during a live report in the Israeli city of Ashkelon. Khatib “was manhandled by an angry Israeli,” the statement said, adding: “Feras was unharmed and will continue reporting as normal.” The spokesman said the attacker “left immediately after the incident.”

BBC Arabic tweeted about the attack Tuesday morning:

Elsewhere in the region, Al Jazeera’s office in Gaza came under fire  Tuesday, and the network said Israel was to blame.

“Two very precise shots were fired straight into our building,” Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the bureau in Gaza said.

“We are high up in the building so we had a very strong vantage point over the area. But we have evacuated.”

The incident came a day after Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said he wants to ban Al Jazeera from reporting in Israel, according to Haaretz. Lieberman on Monday called the network a “branch of a terrorist organization.”

In a statement, Al Jazeera said: “The foreign minister’s comments were a direct threat against us and appear to have been taken as a green light for the targeting of our journalists in Gaza. We hold the Israeli authorities fully responsible. They have put the lives of journalists in danger.”

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ben white: Premeditated murder: the Shuja’iya massacre and Israeli criminality

ben white with some analysis of the occupation’s statements and thoughts (cynical as hell) about the shuja’iya massacre and contextualization within international law

“There is also a similarly disturbing precedent from Israel’s attack on Lebanon in 2006, when Israel justified an attack in Qana on the basis that Hezbollah used the area for missile launches, and, that the IDF had warned residents in advance to leave. Human Rights Watch, among others, slammed this argument, saying that notice of an impending bombardment “does not give [the IDF] carte blanche to blindly attack”.”

Premeditated murder: the Shuja’iyya massacre and Israeli criminality

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 19:03

Ben White65-year-old Ahmed Suleiman Akram al-‘Atawai and his 10-year-old grandchild Tala were running from Israel’s onslaught on Shuja’iyya. As they fled, they were hit by Israeli artillery shells, and died.

They were among the dozens of victims Sunday, when Israeli forces pulverised the Gaza City district. Some, like Ahmed and Tala, were cut down in the streets; others were killed when shells hit their homes. A paramedic, killed as he attempted to rescue the wounded. The ‘Ayad family, hit by a missile from an Israeli warplane, killing ten, including three children.

Palestinians and reporters who visited the scene reported scenes of total devastation. An estimated 72 were killed Sunday in Shuja’iyya, including “at least 17 children“. Amnesty International described the impact of “intense Israeli bombardment”, with “more than 200” wounded as “civilians were forced to flee under fire“. A man who went back to look for his family was shot dead by Israeli forces in front of human rights observers.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) doctors working in Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City reported that “women and children comprised most of the wounded” arriving Sunday morning. Audrey Landmann, MSF medical coordinator in Gaza, said Israel’s ground offensive has meant “indiscriminate” bombing, and noted that “those who die are civilians”.

The shocking fact is that these dozens, hundreds, of personal horror stories are the result of deliberate decisions taken by the Israeli army. On the day of the attack, IDF officers boasted that they were “taking off the gloves“. Even as the ground offensive got underway late Thursday, Israeli tanks had “received an order to open fire at anything that moved“.

The targeting of Shuja’iyya, according to veteran military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai, was about the Israeli army “cementing itself in the enemy’s psyche as a beast one should not provoke”. It is this “objective”, he wrote, that “is the essence of the deterrence” sought by Israel.

As images emerged of the massacre, an Israeli army officer “expressed concern that the level of casualties in Shuja’iyya could erode [international support]…and create diplomatic pressure to end the operation sooner than expected”. A similar sentiment was expressed by Israel Hayom’s military correspondent, who admitted that the “high civilian death toll” in Shuja’iyya could have a detrimental effect on the Israeli operation’s “international legitimacy”.

Even as Haaretz military correspondent Amos Harel tried to dismiss claims of a “massacre”, he acknowledged that “the intensity of [Israeli] fire increased only after the force had sustained many casualties”. This echoes a report by right-wing Israeli news service Arutz Sheva, that “heavy casualties” dealt to Israeli soldiers contributed to “a furious response by the IDF“. In other words, the killing of civilians in the name of revenge and deterrence.

Israeli “commanders in the field” predicted that “if fighting continues”, the “level of destruction” in Shuja’iyyeh “may reach that seen in the Dahiyeh neighborhood in Beirut in 2006”. There, Israeli forces deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure in what became known as the ‘Dahiyeh doctrine‘. Note that the day before, Harel had called Shuja’iyya “not particularly significant from a military perspective“.

The Israeli media blithely dismissed any concerns about the massacre “from a legal standpoint”, on the basis that the army had warned Shuja’iyya’s residents in advance. This is not just grossly inadequate – it is itself evidence of war crimes. As Amnesty International stated yesterday, “issuing warnings to evacuate entire areas does not absolve Israeli forces of their obligations to protect civilians under international humanitarian law”.

This point was also made by Israeli NGOs in a joint statement which emphasised how “sending alerts or providing warnings to residents does not transform them, or their homes, into legitimate military targets, and does not exempt the army from its duty to avoid executing indiscriminate attacks in the area”. Israel’s “cynical use of legal terms” to justify “death and destruction” received further specific condemnation by Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem.

In fact, those groups had warned ahead of time, even as the IDF was dropping leaflets and issuing evacuation orders, that such a step could very likely presage an attack that would “cause extensive, mortal harm to civilians and much property damage”. The military, they wrote, “must not assume that all residents have indeed left their homes”, as they said was done during Operation Cast Lead.

There is also a similarly disturbing precedent from Israel’s attack on Lebanon in 2006, when Israel justified an attack in Qana on the basis that Hezbollah used the area for missile launches, and, that the IDF had warned residents in advance to leave. Human Rights Watch, among others, slammed this argument, saying that notice of an impending bombardment “does not give [the IDF] carte blanche to blindly attack”.

Thus whether it is the targeting of family homes, or the indiscriminate shelling of neighbourhoods like Shuja’iyya, Israel’s attacks on Gaza – including the justifications for them – are taking the shape of repeated war crimes and urgently need to be treated as such.

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UPDATED.deutsch: schwester des jungen mannes, der vor laufender kamera erschossen wurde, hat ihn auf dem video erkannt

hier mehr kontext auf englisch. lest das bitte.

was für ein horror… zwei tage lang nach einem geliebten familienmitglied suchen, in krankenhäusern, soziale medien durchforsten und dann sieht ein junges mädchen ein video einer erschiessung (exekutionsstil, ohne vorwarnung, ohne jeglichen grund) und sieht, dass es ihr bruder ist, den sie suchen. tot, erschossen, für alle sichtbar…

macht das nicht, sagt nicht “kann ich mir nicht vorstellen” “ich verstehe nicht, was dort passiert”, spaltet das nicht ab! FÜHLT! palästinenser SIND wie du, wie ich. wenn du nach tagelanger suche, als überlebende/r eines massakers, ein video siehst, dass die runden macht, und dann erkennst, dass der junge mann auf dem video dort, der erschossen wird, dein bruder ist…. nein, mach das nicht, sag jetzt nicht “irgendwie muss das anders sein, da muss noch was anderes sein”.  die junge frau fühlt genau das, was du auch fühlen würdest.


Wounded man killed by Israeli sniper on camera identified

22nd July 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

The injured young man who was shot dead on camera by an Israeli sniper two days ago has been identified as Salem Khalil Salem Shammaly, a 23-year-old resident of Shajiya. After Salem was murdered, the rescue team was unable to recover his body, which like so many others, remains among the rubble.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) contacted human rights organizations in Gaza to attempt to identify the murdered young man but this proved to be impossible. Therefore the video, which has since gone viral, was published describing him as, “the young man in the green shirt.”

Salem’s family had been searching everywhere for him for two days, including on social media where names and photographs of the wounded and dead are constantly being published. According to Mohammed Alqattawi, his cousin, Salem’s sister recognized her brother on the Youtube video uploaded by the ISM.

YouTube Preview ImageWhile the Shammaly family has found out that their missing son is dead, other families are still searching for their loved ones.

Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, one of the doctors from the Norwegian delegation now volunteering in al Shifa Hospital said, “The first attack on Shajiya was for five hours, many people were evacuated from the area, however not everyone was able to leave. Patients have been coming to us doctors and asking us to find their families. We know that they’re either dead, in the ruins, or dying. Yesterday a five-year-old child was admitted to the hospital asking for his parents, but we all knew that they were not able to leave Shajiya, and are probably dead.”

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UPDATED.the young man killed by a sniper in front of internationals and camera is finally identified

here more context, plz read.

what horror! a family searching for days for missing loved one, and then a young woman recognizes his brother in a video shot by internationals that documents his execution-style killing. for all to see. DON’T think “i can’t imagine”, “i don’t understand what’s going on there”. don’t dissociate. EMPATHIZE! palestinians ARE like YOU, like ME. if you had seen your brother killed on video, that IS how this girl felt too. DO SOMETHING


Wounded man killed by Israeli sniper on camera identified

22nd July 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

The injured young man who was shot dead on camera by an Israeli sniper two days ago has been identified as Salem Khalil Salem Shammaly, a 23-year-old resident of Shajiya. After Salem was murdered, the rescue team was unable to recover his body, which like so many others, remains among the rubble.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) contacted human rights organizations in Gaza to attempt to identify the murdered young man but this proved to be impossible. Therefore the video, which has since gone viral, was published describing him as, “the young man in the green shirt.”

Salem’s family had been searching everywhere for him for two days, including on social media where names and photographs of the wounded and dead are constantly being published. According to Mohammed Alqattawi, his cousin, Salem’s sister recognized her brother on the Youtube video uploaded by the ISM.

YouTube Preview ImageWhile the Shammaly family has found out that their missing son is dead, other families are still searching for their loved ones.

Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, one of the doctors from the Norwegian delegation now volunteering in al Shifa Hospital said, “The first attack on Shajiya was for five hours, many people were evacuated from the area, however not everyone was able to leave. Patients have been coming to us doctors and asking us to find their families. We know that they’re either dead, in the ruins, or dying. Yesterday a five-year-old child was admitted to the hospital asking for his parents, but we all knew that they were not able to leave Shajiya, and are probably dead.”

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