while thousands are watching euro 2012, one national football player is dying because he is palestinian

i haven’t had the energy to write before, but at last, let me tell you about mahmoud sarsak, who has not eaten in 89 days***, and two other palestinian prisoners on life-threatening hunger strike.

mahmoud sarsak is a player in the palestinian national football team. when he was 22 years old, he was scheduled to play in a friendly match in balata refugee camp in nablus in the occupied palestinian west bank. as a resident of the besieged gaza strip, mahmoud had to obtain security clearance and permission from the occupier to travel through the israeli manned “erez” checkpoint. he followed the usual procedures, obtained the permit and showed up at the checkpoint on 22.7.2009.

 torture and the war crime
when he arrived at erez checkpoint, mahmoud was detained and transferred to “asqalan” prison, where he was interrogated for 30 days. during this period, he was subjected to ill-treatment and torture, including the method known as “shabeh”.

mahmoud’s family was only informed about his arrest two days later, whereupon they obtained the services of a lawyer. for ten days, the lawyer was denied access to mahmoud.

after a month of “interrogation”, mahmoud officially received a detention order under Israel’s highly questionable “unlawful combatant law”, which allows for the detention of Palestinian residents of the gaza strip for unlimited periods of time without the need to charge or try them. as several human rights organizations have pointed out, the “unlawful combatant law” provides even less legal protection than the controversial practice of “administrative detention” of Palestinian residents of the west bank. in fact, in denying the right to a fair trial, both statutes as practiced by israeli authorities constitute war crimes.*

mahmoud sarsak, who is the only prisoner currently being held under this law, has been in jail for almost three years without ever having been charged or even granted access to the secret information on which his detention is based.

joining the growing battle of the empty stomachs
on 19.3., 25 year old mahmoud joined thaer halahleh and bilal thiab and others in a growing mass hunger strike protest, which was inspired by the hunger strike of khader adnan, against the practice of administrative detention, isolation, denial of regular access to independent physicians and lawyers, denial of family visits, etc. the amazing battle of the empty stomachs, which was at one point fought by an estimated 2000 imprisoned hunger strikers, inspired a powerful wave of support in palestine and abroad and finally reunited palestinians across checkpoints and apartheid walls and borders Palestine like nothing else has in the last few years; here was movement with the potential for real people’s power in the streets, something truly exciting and empowering given the state of things in the past years.

“prisoners’ deal” defuses the massive support for the prisoners’ struggle
on 14.5., the night before nakba day**, “israeli prison authorities” agreed to a deal with the prisoners, which was mostly netogiated on their behalf by a lawyer appointed by the “palestinian authority”. although the signing of the agreement meant the survival of bilal thiab and thaer halahleh, who had already bid their families goodbye in heartbreaking letters when their death seemed imminent, the deal remained less than satisfactory, to say the least. instead of providing for the immediate suspension of administrative detention and regular access to family visits, independent physicians and lawyers, etc., the deal foresaw very limited family visits for prisoners registered as residents of the gaza strip, an end to isolation, and the prospect that administrative detention for those currently incarcerated NOT BE RENEWED once the current order expired.

this meant that prisoners with serious health issues would continue to spend time in jail. bilal thiab and thaer halahleh, who had refused the intake of any nourishing substances for 77 days and who were, at that point, at immediate risk of death, would not released until august and june respectively, without having been charged with any offense.

as conditioned in the deal, all but two prisoners ended their hunger strike, but not so surprisingly, zionist authorities soon broke their side of the deal and renewed administrative detention orders, placed prisoners in solitary confinement and refused family visits among. as intended, though, the PA-“israel” coordinated PR stunt had worked; it had taken the wind out of the prisoners’ struggle and its massive support in palestine and abroad.

mahmoud sarsak is dying
mahmoud sarsak was not included in the prisoners deal, and has now entered his 89th day of hunger strike. he has received the “offer” to be released and deported from palestine or oral assurances that he’d be released if he stopped his hunger strike, but mahmoud continues his protest until he receives a written guarantee for his immediate release and life in palestine.

mahmoud is dying. yet, it wasn’t until his 80th day of hunger strike and after numerous petitions to the israeli district court that he was finally allowed a visit through an independent doctor from physicians for human rights. following the examination, “the PHR-Israel doctor reported that Mahmoud has experienced extreme loss of muscle tissue and drastic weight loss. he has lost 33 percent of his body weight, from an original weight of 76 kilos down to his present weight of 51 kilos. He also suffers from frequent incidents of fainting and loss of consciousness, in addition to lapses in memory. The doctor further reported that Mahmoud is in danger of pulse disruptions (arrhythmias) that are endangering his life. PHR-Israel’s independent doctor strongly recommended that Mahmoud be immediately transferred to a hospital, as he is now at immediate risk of death.

as in the cases of khader adnan, hana shalabi, thaer halahleh, bilal thiab and other hunger strikers at risk before, the phr-israel doctor reported of alarming negligence and unethical conduct on the part of the physicians at the prison’s medical center.

two days ago, mahmoud agreed to drink milk while zionist authorities were supposed to once again review his case today. so far, we have not heard if they did so. if mamoud survives, he is likely to be left with life-long health problems and may not be able to pursue his career.

mahmoud sarsak is still in jail, he is dying, and he knows it. like former hunger striker thaer halahleh, who had come to terms with the possibility that he might die in prison and never see his two year old daughter who was born after his arrest, explained upon his release: “I had to take into prospect what I thought was more important […]. My marriage and fulfilling my role as a husband and a father to a daughter I don’t know, or a hunger strike that might end in my death. I realized that my hunger strike, which came off the back of being subjected to such abject humiliation and tyranny by Israel, was essential in achieving a life I can be proud of.

left with the choice between life at the mercy of the whim of his jailers and the fight for freedom (the limited version that is available to Palestinians in their occupied homeland) with  diminishing chances of survival, mahmoud chooses to fight. (read mahmoud’s and akram rikhawi’s letter from prison.)

mahmoud sarsak is one of thousands
in addition to mahmoud, two other prisoners are still on hunger strike:
akram rikhawi
is about to enter his 65th day of hunger strike in protest against the rejection of his appeal for early release on medical grounds. due to various preexisting medical conditions including asthma and diabetes, akram has been held at ramleh prison’s medical center ever since his arrest in 2004. like mahmoud, akram was also denied visits from independent physicians – in spite of various petitions – until last week, at which point his body weight had decreased to 50kg. after blatant negligence and threats of force-feeding, akram mistrusts the prison’s physicians and is therefore reluctant to accept much needed medication. in spite of various petitions expressing concern for akram’s life, israeli authorities rejected an appeal for early release on June 5.

38 year old samer al-barq, administrative detainee since 11.7.2010, had joined the mass hunger strike from 17.4. to 14.5. when his administrative detention was renewed in breach of the “prisoner’s deal”, samer re-launched his hunger strike on 21.5.

while we need to get mahmoud, akram and samer released NOW!, remember that they are only three of over 4500 palestinian political prisoners in israeli prisons, including over 300 “administrative detainees” and over 200 children.

add your voice to the increasing calls for mahmoud’s immediate release!
while zionists continues to ignore the increasing international protests and demands by renown organizations and individuals such as amnesty international, FIFA, FIFPro, UN expert richard falk, football player eric cantona, filmmaker ken loach, writer ahdaf souheif, filmmaker and journalist john pilger and others demanding the immediate release of mahmoud sarsak, they are scheduled to host next year’s UEFA’s European Under 21 competition in several locations in the part of palestine that was occupied in 1948!

* “While administrative detention is allowed under international humanitarian law, it must be used only under exceptional circumstances as it infringes upon basic human rights, including the right to a fair trial. Indeed, the denial of a fair trial constitutes a ‘grave breach’ of the Fourth Geneva Convention, one of the most serious forms of war crimes. This form of arbitrary arrest also contravenes Articles 9 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Furthermore, the European Parliament called on Israel in a September 2008 resolution to “guarantee that minimum standards on detention be respected, to bring to trial all detainees, [and] to put an end to the use of ‘administrative detention orders’.” The United Nations Human Rights Committee has stated several times that prolonged administrative detention is likely to result in the exposure of detainees to “torture, ill-treatment and other violations of human rights.”” (Physicians for Human Rights)

** 15.5. is nakba day, is the day when palestinians and people across the world commemorate the “nakba” (eng: catastrophe), the beginning of the ethnic cleansing of palestine some 64 years ago. massive demonstrations are annually held across palestine and abroad.

*** the post was originally published stating that today (15.6.2012) was the 90th day of hunger strike for mahmoud sarsak. after recounting, today would be his 89th day, so i corrected the post. at this point, though, it doesn’t matters whether today is his 89th or 90th or 91st day, what matters is that he has NOT eaten in approximately three months, he is still alife, AND HE IS STILL BEING DETAINED WITHOUT EVER HAVING BEEN CHARGED!

take action now!

sign the petition to UEFA calling for urgent action! (more petitions, action alerts and resources here)

protest or hold sit-ins in front of the israeli embassy!

force mainstream media to report about this struggle!

write protest letters and join the palestinian council of human rights organisations and ohysicians for human rights-israel in their
• “demand that all hunger strikers in advanced stages are moved immediately to civilian hospitals where they can receive the standard of care necessary;
• call for immediate intervention for the IPS to provide all hunger strikers with unrestricted access to independent doctors;
• demand that all hunger strikers are allowed family visits;
• urge the Member States of the United Nations to urgently put pressure on Israel to end its policy of arbitrary detention and to abide by the standard rules for the treatment of prisoners adopted in 1955, which set out what is generally accepted as being decent principle and practice in the treatment of prisoners;
• call on the European Parliament to activate the parliamentary fact-finding mission that includes members of its Subcommittee on Human Rights to investigate the conditions of detention of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons;
• emphasize that the parliamentary fact-finding mission must include an investigation into Israel’s illegal practice of administrative detention and the use of the “Unlawful Combatant Law”;
• urge Members of the European Parliament to bring the case of all three hunger strikers to the attention of relevant Israeli authorities without delay.”

secretary general ban ki-moon
united nations
new York, nY 10017 USA
212-963-5012 fax: 212-963-7055
email: ecu@un.org

permanent mission of israel to the united nations office and specialized institutions in geneva
avenue de la paix 1-3
1202 geneva
fax: +41 22 716 05 55,
email: mission-israel@geneva.mfa.

the office of the united nations high commissioner for human rights (OHCHR)
civil society section telephone: +41 22 917 9656
mail: civilsociety@ohchr.org mail: ramallah(at)unesco.org
tel: +972-2 295 97 40
fax: +972-2 295 97 41

menachem mazuz
attorney general
fax: + 972 2 627 4481; + 972 2 628 5438; +972 2 530 3367
brigadier general avihai mandelblit

military judge advocate general
6 david elazar street
hakirya, tel aviv
fax: +972 3 608 0366, +972 3 569 4526
email: arbel@mail.idf.il, avimn@.idf.gov.il

netanyahu office
3, kaplan Street, PO Box 187 kiryat nen-gurion, jerusalem,
fax: +972- 2-651 2631 email: pm_eng@pmo.gov.il

directory of their embassies: http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Sherut/IsraeliAbroad

directory of members of the european parliament:

michael.spindelegger@bmeia.gv.at, kab.bz@diplobel.fed.be,Trees.VanEykeren@diplobel.fed.be, info@mvp.gov.ba, iprd@mfa.government.bg, imprensa@itamaraty.gov.br, imprensa@planalto.gov.br, pm@pm.gc.ca, ministar@mvpei.hr, minforeign1@mfa.gov.cy, podatelna@mzv.cz, udenrigsministeren@um.dk, vminfo@vm.ee, umi@formin.fi, bernard.kouchner@diplomatie.gouv.fr, inform@mfa.gov.ge, guido.westerwelle@auswaertiges-amt.de, gpapandreou@parliament.gr, titkarsag.konz@kum.hu, external@utn.stjr.is, dcpf@mea.gov.in, minister@dfa.ie, gabinetto@cert.esteri.it, segreteria.frattini@esteri.it, mfa.cha@mfa.gov.lv, tonio.borg@gov.mt, secdep@mfa.md, post@mfa.no, DNZPC.Sekretariat@msz.gov.pl, pm@pm.gov.pt, msp@mfa.rs, ministry@mid.ru, miguel.moratinos@maec.es, beatriz.lorenzo@maec.es, registrator@foreign.ministry.se, info@eda.admin.ch, info@mfa.gov.tr, haguew@parliament.uk, stewartkb@state.gov,

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images of solidarity actions in support of the prisoners’ hunger strike

if we are to save lives, much MUCH MORE of this is needed


source: electronic intifada

In photos: widespread solidarity with hunger striking Palestinian prisoners

6 May 2012

An estimated 2,000 Palestinian political prisoners are on an open-ended hunger strike that began on 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. The strike is a direct challenge to Israel’s regime of arrest and detention to try to break the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Prisoners are specifically calling for a resumption of family visits and an end to the widespread, abusive practices of administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial — and solitary confinement. Ahmad Saadat, Palestinian parliamentarian and leader of the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is currently on hunger strike after more than three years of solitary confinement. Israel currently holds nearly 20 percent of the 132 Palestinian Legislative Council members in administrative detention.

Two prisoners, Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, both being held without charge or trial, are on the brink of death after 68 days of hunger strike. Amnesty International has issued a call for urgent action to save Diab and Halahleh’s lives. Several other prisoners have also been on hunger strike for weeks and have been transferred to a prison clinic. Some, like Biab and Halahleh, have not been allowed to see independent doctors.

Today, Addameer and Physicians for Human Rights – Israel issued an urgent, joint statement regarding the grave condition of Thaer Halahleh, Bilal Diab and a third hunger striker, Hassan Safadi, whom they said are being subjected to “medical negligence” by Israeli authorities.

In contrast to the deafening silence from world media and governments, there has been widespread support for the mass hunger strike throughout historic Palestine and in exile. Nearly all Palestinian families living under Israeli occupation have been affected by Israel’s regime of arrest and detention and Palestinian political prisoners are celebrated as national heroes.


Demonstration in front of Ramle prison in Israel, 3 May.

(JC / ActiveStills)

Palestinian protesters rally in support of political prisoners outside Ramle prison in Israel, 3 May.

(Mahfouz Abu Turk / APA images)

Some of the 17 activists arrested at a demonstration in support of hunger striking prisoners outside Ramle prison are brought to court in Petach Tikva near Tel Aviv, 4 May.

(Oren Ziv / ActiveStills)

Posters of hunger striking Palestinian political prisoners at a solidarity tent in Gaza City, 4 May.

(Majdi Fathi / APA images)

Women on solidarity hunger strike at the sit-in tent in Gaza City, 4 May.

(Ali Jadallah / APA images)

A Palestinian woman on solidarity hunger strike at the Gaza City sit-in tent receives medical attention, 3 May.

(Anne Paq / ActiveStills)

An artist paints a mural at a solidarity tent in Gaza City, 30 April.

(Mohammed Asad / APA images)

A candlelight vigil in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, Gaza City, 28 April.

(Mohammed Asad / APA images)

Children participate in a rally in support of the mass hunger strike in Gaza City, 3 May.

(Naaman Omar / APA images)

A rally in support of Palestinian prisoners in Ramallah, 29 April.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

Palestinians perform Friday prayers during a protest in support of political prisoners in Ramallah, 4 May.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

Palestinian Christians attend a special service in the West Bank city of Ramallah in support of hunger striking prisoners.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

Hamas supporters in the West Bank city of Ramallah call for the release of Palestinian prisoners, 5 May.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

A Palestinian woman waves a flag atop an Israeli military vehicle at a protest outside Ofer military prison near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 1 May.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

A Palestinian man throws stones at Israeli soldiers at Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank during a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, 4 May.

(Issam Rimawi / APA images)

Relatives of Jordanian prisoners in Israeli jails take call for their release in Amman, 3 May.

(Mohammad Abu Ghosh / Xinhua/Zumapress)

A Palestinian woman displays a photo of a jailed relative during a protest in front of the Red Cross in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, 30 April.

(Mahfouz Abu Turk / APA images)

Palestinians hold a rally in support of prisoners in the Old City of Jerusalem.

(Mahfouz Abu Turk / APA images)

A demonstration in the city center of West Bank city of Nablus in support of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners, 3 May.

(Ahmad Al-Bazz / ActiveStills)

Khader Adnan (center), who was on hunger strike for 66 days earlier this year, shows his support for the mass hunger strike at An-Najah National University, Nablus, 3 May.

(Ahmad Al-Bazz / ActiveStills)

A rally in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in the West Bank city of Nablus, 3 May.

(Wagdi Eshtayeh / APA images)
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some pressure seems to be working: EU issues statement on prisoners’ hunger strike

Some pressure seems to be working. The EU offices in al Quds and Ramallah issued this statement today. MORE!

“Local EU Statement on Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike

The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah are concerned about the deteriorating health condition of the Palestinians held in administrative detention in Israel who have been on hunger strike for more than two months. The EU requests the Government of Israel to make available all necessary medical assistance and to allow family visits as a matter of urgency.

The EU reiterates its longstanding position on the use by Israel of administrative detention without charge. Detainees have the right to be informed of the reasons for their detention and be subject to a fair trial without undue delay. The EU is also following closely the on-going hunger strike by several hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, and calls for the full respect of international human rights obligations towards all prisoners.



EU Press Office on +972-2-541 5888”

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images of the resistance in egypt, may 4

Egyptian troops, protesters clash in Cairo

CAIRO (AP) — Egyptian troops blasted protesters with water cannons, tear gas and live ammunition, trying to prevent them from marching on the Defense Ministry Friday in clashes that left one soldier dead and scores of people injured just three weeks ahead of presidential elections.

The fierce street battles raised fears of a new cycle of violence surrounding the upcoming vote to replace Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted more than a year ago. For the first time in Egypt’s chaotic transition, hard-line Islamists, rather than secular forces, were at the forefront of the confrontation with the military rulers who have been accused of trying to cling to power.

The military council imposed an 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew on the area surrounding the Defense Ministry, which has emerged as a flashpoint for the protesters’ anger after nine people were killed on Wednesday in clashes between unidentified assailants and protesters who mainly comprised supporters of a disqualified Islamist presidential candidate.

(23 images)


Egyptian protests turn into clashes with army at the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt on Friday, May 4, 2012. Dozens were injured as protesters and troops clashed. ZUMA24.com / Cliff Cheney
Armored Egyptian military vehicles block the road outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. Egyptian armed forces and protesters clashed in Cairo on Friday, with troops firing water cannons and tear gas at demonstrators who threw stones as they tried to march on the Defense Ministry, a flashpoint for a new cycle of violence only weeks ahead of presidential elections. AP / Ahmed Hammad
Armored Egyptian military vehicles block the road outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Hammad
Egyptians protest during the ‘Final Friday’ march against Military Rule in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday, May 4, 2012. The ‘Final Friday’ protests were called after a week of street battles near the Ministry of Defense where protesters are staging a sit-in. ZUMA24.com / Cliff Cheney
Protesters take shelter during brick throwing clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Hamada Elrasam
Protesters use a fire extinguisher during brick throwing clashes outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Hamada Elrasam
Protesters erect scrap metal shields during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Protesters light a bonfire during clashes outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid
Protesters throw stones during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Egyptian soldiers raise their batons at a protester during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
A protester, right, waves a stick at Egyptian soldiers during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Egyptian security forces, unseen, fire a water cannon at protesters during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Egyptian security forces, unseen, fire a water cannon at protesters during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Egyptian protesters surround an Egyptian security vehicle outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Hammad
An injured protester is evacuated in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid
An injured protester is treated in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid
An injured protester is treated in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid
An injured protester is evacuated by motorbike outside of the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid
An injured protester is assisted at the site of clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
An injured protester is evacuated by motorbike from the site of clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Ahmed Gomaa
Egyptian protesters attend the Friday prayer at a rally in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Khalil Hamra
Egyptians chant slogans as they protest in Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. Thousands rallied in Egypt against the country’s ruling military council on Friday, two days after a flare-up of street violence left at least nine dead and fueled a wave of Islamist-led opposition to the generals ahead of presidential elections. AP / Khalil Hamra
An Egyptian protester holds a national flag as he chants slogans at a rally in Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt, Friday, May 4, 2012. AP / Amr Nabil






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“israeli high court” rejected appeal of two dying hunger strikers

27 year old Bilal Thiab and 33 year old Thaer Halahleh have survived their 69th day of hunger strike. according to Physicians for Human Rights, they are at immediate risk of death, yet both are repeatedly being denied their right to receive visits from independent physicians and family. despite of urgent pleas to transfer Thaer to a civilian hospital, he is still being held at the Ramleh prison’s medical clinic. Bilal, who was transferred to a civilian clinic, is reportedly shackled to the hospital bed. after weeks of reports of deteriorating health conditions for both detainees, including the loss of consciousness or the vomiting of blood, Bilal collapsed on May 3 during a High Court hearing. two days ago, Physicians for Human Rights submitted yet another urgent appeal  to the Ministry of Health and to Assaf Harofeh Hospital where Bilal is being held, demanding that he be allowed a visit by an independent physician and a family member. the appeal quotes MK Dr. Ahmad Tibi’s description of Bilal’s physical condition 40minutes after his collapse. “His blood pressure was 108/80, and his pulse was 48 BPM. Quite slow. His body temperature as measured twice by an IPS paramedic was 35°C! He spoke slowly and with difficulty, complaining of cold all over. He looked very pale and weak and said he had lost about 20 kilograms. Complained of numbness in his feet, and barely reacted to physical pain in that area. I recommended an immediate evacuation to hospital due to the danger to his life.” this was four days ago.

today, on the 70th day of Bilal and Thaer’s hunger strike and after the postponing of their original date for a hearing, the “Israeli Supreme Court” has rejected their appeal against their administrative detention (i.e. against the fact that they are imprisoned without charges and without being informed about the reasons for their arrest, and therefore without the possibility to defend themselves). although both men are at immediate risk of death, the court stated that “hunger strikes are not relevant to decide on length of administrative detention as such”.

Khader Adnan with his daughters after his release from "administrative detention" on April 18.

what Khader Adnan and later Hana Shalabi began and what Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh are continuing, has grown into a mass resistance movement by Palestinian political prisoners inside Israeli jails:

33 year old Hasan Safadi is now on his 64th day of hunger strike – he was reportedly beaten upon arrival at the Ramleh prison medical center, is shackled to the hospital bed and was forcefully given an injection against his will in violation of the Malta Declaration that stipulates: “Physicians need to satisfy themselves that food or treatment refusal is the individual’s voluntary choice.”; 50+ year old Omar Abu Shalal is on his 62nd day;  Mohammad al-Tajon his 51th day; Ja’far Ezzedine on his 47th and Mahmoud Sarsak  on his 46th day. around 1200 prisoners have joined the hunger strike on April 17, with more joining in the following days and weeks

in exercising extreme control over their bodies when all other choices are taken away from them, the prisoners collectively demand an end to the practice of “administrative detention”, an end to the isolation of prisoners in solitary confinement, an end to other punitive measures such as the denial of the right to receive regular visits from family, lawyers and independent physicians as well as access to education.


“The Battle of the Empty Stomachs” is the most inspiring, most powerful, most urgent wave of action in the Palestinian liberation struggle in recent years. in his latest post, Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur On The Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, explains the background of this mass hunger strike, the context in which it is taking place, and its implications.



rally in support of prisoners' hunger strike, ramallah, 1.5.

as the “Battle of the Empty stomachs” continues to gain momentum, and as more and more prisoners have reached the point where they are at risk of death, Israeli prison authorities are responding with MORE punitive measures that include putting prisoners who are on strike in solitary confinement, refusing the right to receive visits from lawyers or family, charging of punitive fines, humiliation, frequent body searches, transfers to other prisons so as to rupture evolving support groups, attacks on prisoners’ sections, confiscation of personal belongings, etc.

israeli soldiers pepper-spraying activists at a solidarity demo in front of ofer military prison

in the meantime, support for the prisoners is growing. in Palestine, prisoner support tents have been put up in various cities, and solidarity rallies and demonstrations in front of prisons are held on a daily basis – and met by increasing violence through the occupying army.



in Belfast and Glasgow, activists demonstrated in front of BBC headquarters in protest of the BBC’s failure to adequately cover the mass hunger strike.


read, inform yourselves, inform others and act:

protest or hold a permanent sit-in in front of the Israeli embassy!

write protest letters (sample and addresses here or at the end of this call!

force mainstream media to report about this struggle!


free all prisoners!

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