occupation cried “kidnapping” when soldier was ceased as pretext to break ceasefire, bomb rafah, and kill him in the process

friday, a humanitarian ceasefire was declared over because the occupation claimed that hamas had “kidnapped” an israeli soldier. the occupation immediately massively bombing several places in gaza and particularly in the rafah area. basically, rafah was turned into rubble and at least 70 palestinians were killed. the zionists suggested – and western media uncritically parroted – that this massive massacre was a legitimate response to the an injustice perpetrated by hamas: the “kidnapping” of a soldier.

first of all, a soldier is not “kidnapped”, only civilians are “kidnapped”. when a soldier is seized or captured, s/he becomes a prisoner of war, subject to specific divisions in international law. richard silverstein, who had exposed that the first soldier captured by hamas was killed by the occupation army itself as foreseen in the “hannibal directive, explains this:

It’s worth noting a few linguistic oddities involved in this Gaza war.  Israelis mobilize Hebrew as a weapon that either obscures the troubling moral dimension; or deliberately distorts reality in order to allow them to feel empowered in their outrage against their enemies.  In this particular case, Israeli soldiers are not “captured.”  They are “kidnapped.”

The use of the latter term allows Israelis to claim that their soldiers are not occupiers or invaders, but rather defenders.  No enemy has the right to kidnap Israel’s soldiers whose only sin is defending the homeland.  If the soldiers were “captured,” then it would infer that they are fighters engaged in a war with a legitimate enemy.  Israelis refuse to acknowledge the validity or (often) even the existence of Palestinians or Palestine.  Therefore, anyone fighting for Palestine must be a terrorist (illegitimate), not a soldier (legitimate).  Terrorists “kidnap” hostages.  Soldiers capture the enemy.  Palestinians can never be the latter.

One of the major new developments of this iteration of the Gaza Wars is the tunnel network that Hamas dug underground.  Though some of the tunnels have been used to cross into Israel and attack mostly military targets, the lion’s share of the tunnels are used to defend Gaza from the Israeli invaders.

Nevertheless, in the Israeli hasbara apparatus, they’ve become “terror tunnels.”  Instead of being a means of defense of the Palestinian homeland, they become the deadly underground lairs of terrorists.  Any act of defense by Hamas using these tunnels becomes nothing more than terrorism.  It’s a shameful distortion of reality.

the use of the term “kidnapped” by the zionists and its adoption by many western media outlets just once more exemplifies the absolute hypocrisy in the coverage of news from palestine. as jonathan cook further, the news in western media was not that 70 civilians were murdered, but that one soldier was captured, as he points out in the article below:

From western reactions, it was also clear the soldier’s capture was considered more significant news than any of the massacres of Palestinian civilians over the past weeks.

Israel’s cynical calculus – that one soldier is more valuable than large numbers of dead Palestinian civilians – was echoed in the diplomatic and editorial corridors of Washington, London and Paris.

it later turned out that the ceasefire was not a ceasefire from the start, as the zionists continued military attacks in and on the tunnels in gaza. according to ali abunimah, hamas claims that after the ceasefire was announced, at 2am, occupation forces made an incursion of 2,5 km into rafah – a first during these bloody past weeks. hamas claims that they responded to this incursion at 7 am (still before the ceasefire).

in typical zionist manner, they presented the occupations military operations in and around the tunnels as compatible with a ceasefire. hamas’ response to these aggressive operations was presented as having broken a ceasefire. and again, the west copied. as silverstein explains in the same article:

Israel proclaimed a unilateral ceasefire, which wasn’t actually a ceasefire at all.  It claimed it would cease “offensive operations.”  But reserved the right to search and destroy Hamas tunnels.  In IDF-speak, the destruction of tunnels is a defensive operation.  This is utter nonsense.  The tunnels are meant to defend Gaza.  If you want a ceasefire you cease firing.  You cease all military operations.  You don’t cease some of them.  If you refuse a general ceasefire in the accepted sense of the term, then you’re not observing a ceasefire.  You’re observing an artificial conception which you call a “ceasefire,” but which isn’t.

This hasn’t stopped Israel from pointing its finger at Hamas and claiming that while Israel was honoring a ceasefire, Hamas wasn’t.  Of course, there was no reason for Hamas to honor anything since there was no real ceasefire on the table.  Israel, as usual, is playing games with the truth.  The shame of it is that there is no one but Hamas to make them pay for this sham and deception.  John Kerry and the Obama administration have been snookered.  The EU is toothless.  The world stands by jaws agape, while Israel pulverizes Gaza into limp hamburger meat.

as ali abunimah suggests in his detailed analysis of friday’s events and of related communication in his post “Did the Israeli army deliberately kill its own captured soldier and destroy Gaza ceasefire?”,  the massive bombing of rafah on friday was likely to ensure that the kidnapped soldier was killed.

this analysis is confirmed by jonathan cook (see above-mentioned article).

And then there was the explosion of military fury as Israel realised its soldier was missing. Israeli correspondents suggested the notorious “Hannibal procedure” had been invoked: the use of all means to stop a soldier being taken alive, including killing him. The rationale is to prevent the enemy gaining a psychological advantage in negotiations.

The unleashing of massive firepower appeared designed to ensure Goldin and his captors never made it out of their tunnel, but in the process dozens of Palestinians died.

so, as soon as a ceasefire was pronounced, occupation forces began an incursion much deeper than previous once and proceeded with military operations. when they were met by hamas militants, the militants engaged in battle, apparently killed several soldiers and captured one (a practise that is not uncommon in acts of war). this is likely to have occured BEFORE the actual ceasefire was supposed to begin.
faced with the prospect of having a soldier in the hands of hamas, the zionists turned the capture into a major immorality of international concern (which elicited widespread condemnations), suggested that hamas had broken the ceasefire (which the zionists themselves never intended to fully honor) and proceeded to massively bomb rafah to make sure that the captured soldiers was killed.

in his article, jonathan cook explains how this manipulation of facts reflects the similar manipulation of facts that netanyahu employed to justify this war on the population of the gaza strip in the first place (i recommend you read it).

more significantly, there are various reports of up to 300 palestinians having been – in their case kidnapped – by invading occupation soldiers from gaza. there are even reports of executions, yet no specific information is available. when a soldier is captured, he becomes a prisoner of war, but the non-combatants (including “fighters” who are not, at that moment, engaging in combat or posing an immediate theat) cannot simply be seized under international law. furthermore, non-combatants in occupied territory are taken prisoner by the occupation forces, they can not be transferred outside the territory except for special circumstances (risk to their safety – not the case in palestine – thanks to lydia de leeuw for clariyfing this point to me).





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another eye witness account from sheja’iya massacre

another eyewitness account on the sheja’iya massacre (the first one last month) here

sheja'iya before and after it was flattened in the past weeks

sheja’iya before and after it was flattened in the past weeks

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article on occupation forces breaking the humanitarian ceasefire monday

like most, if not all humanitarian ceasefires of the past weeks. details here.

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google app: bomb gaza game!



here’s the text

Google is facing criticism for continuing to allow Android mobile users to download a game called “Bomb Gaza”, in which players are required to “drop bombs and avoid killing citizens”. The app, which was uploaded on 29 July, has been installed up to 1,000 times and received at least one report as “inappropriate”. As of Monday evening, the game was no longer listed on Google Play.

According to the game’s description and a series of screenshots, users gain points by controlling aircraft marked with Israeli flags as they drop bombs on cartoon Hamas militants.

It comes as more than 1,800 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing Gaza conflict. Israel has confirmed that 64 of its soldiers have died in combat, while three civilians have been killed by cross-border shelling from Gaza.

Responding to the game in its review section online, Iqra Iqbal wrote that it was an “abomination”, adding: “This is a violation of human rights. My beloved brothers and sisters are dying in Gaza and some stupid ignoramus decides to make a game like this.

Others said it was a “messed up game” and “disgusting”, while Saadat Ali said: “Request all to scroll to the bottom and flag this app as inappropriate to Google.” said: “Request all to scroll to the bottom and flag this app as inappropriate to Google.”

People also took to Twitter to voice their criticism of the game, and user Elliott Clarkson wrote: “Google Play’s approval process? Non-existent. So games like Bomb Gaza get through.”

It is not the only game available on Google Play that involves bombing Gaza, including “Iron Dome”, “Gaza Assault: Code Red” that tells users to “secure the region” by taking control of “an Israeli UAV equipped with powerful weapons in an attempt to secure the region”.

A spokesperson for Google, which is not believed to pre-approve games uploaded by users to the Play store, was not immediately available for comment.

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deutsch: haus von mohammad’s familie zerbombt

persönliches… das ist das haus von mohammad. sie haben in der nähe des wafa krankenhauses gewohnt. seit mehreren wochen sind mohammed und seine familie schon in gaza stadt. mohammed ist getrennt von seinen eltern und geschwistern, die bei seinen zwei älteren schwestern bleiben. mohammad war zuerst bei bekannten, als das haus auch zerbombt wurde, suchte er schutz im shifa krankenhaus.


die trümmer des hauses von mohammads familie in der nähe des wafa krankenhauses


mohammad in den trümmern seines familienhauses. nicht einmal ihre kleidung ist zu retten

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ich habe mohammed vor drei jahren kennen gelernt. damals war er ein verbrannter, zerstörter körper mit riesen augen, der nicht aufhörte zu schreien. seine füße waren stellenweise schwarz, verkohlt. seine knochen waren so oft gebrochen, dass ich es nicht verstanden habe. das meiste fleisch seiner oberschenkel und seines abdomen’s fehlte. er hatte überall verbrennungen.
dieser tag, als ich mohammed das erste mal in einem israelischen krankenhaus sah, war eines der bisher schwersten momente für mich. er schrie und schrie mit weit aufgerissenen augen aus einem verbrannten körper – und ich wollte wieder rauslaufen.

mohammad war damals 15. als er und sein 12 jähriger cousin ibrahim vor ihrem haus kurz vor iftar – es war wieder ramadan, august 2011 – ball spielten, schoss ein soldat durch fernbedienung eine bombe aus einer unbemannten drohne auf sie. sie schlug direkt neben den beiden ein und hinterliess ein meter tiefes loch im boden.
zu der zeit wurde gaza wieder – ich glaube mehrere wochen lang – zerbombt. nicht so viele tote wie jetzt, deswegen wurde diese zeit vergessen. wenn leute die kriege gegen die palästinensische bevölkerung gazas aufzählen, wird 2011 nicht erwähnt.

als die bombe auf mohammed und ibrahim gefeuert wurde, fanden in ihrer nähe keinerlei kampfhandlungen statt. es war nichts zu hören, ausser das geräusch der drohne am himmel. sie wurden gezielt zerbombt. einfach so.

es hat die unterstützung von vielen leuten und einer menge spenden bedarft, damit mohammed über den zeitraum von fast einem jahr heilen konnte. sein cousin ibrahim ist im krankenhaus gestorben. weit weg von seiner mutter und seinen geschwistern.

mohammads vater atef und ibrahims vater durften das krankenhaus nicht verlassen, sie hatten nur erlaubnis, sich im krankenhaus aufzuhalten. sie waren seit wochen dort, hatten kein schampoo, keine seife, keine wäsche zum wechseln. sie hatten kein guthaben und konnten ihren familien nicht sagen, wie es ihnen geht.

der zynismus der zionisten. wir bombardieren euch – und dann behandeln wir manche von euch – in unserer sprache – in unseren krankenhäuser wo unsere soldaten rumlaufen – auf eure behandlungskosten und nach unseren regeln. weil wir so human sind, wir sind die moralischste armee der welt. wir warnen menschen ein paar minuten bevor wir sie töten. wir sind so. moralisch. manche verstehen das nicht.

mohammed sagt, sie können nicht mal anziehsachen aus ihrem alten haus retten. alles weg. und es geht weiter.
2008/09, 2011, 2012, jetzt. und dazwischen immer wieder, immer wieder immer wieder, und durchgehend die kriminelle blockade…

alles verstöße gegen das völkerrecht, internationales humanitäres recht. unzählige kriegsverbrechen, die drittstaaten in die pflicht nehmen, zu intervenieren. unsere regierungen intervenieren nicht, sie liefern waffen, sie investieren.

solange wir es zulassen.

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