just before going to bed, i read irene’s post about a night raid into the house of recent martyr samir awad, the 17 year old, who was murdered by three bullets near the apartheid wall in his village budrus when he got out of school early after an exam.
i did not know samir, and i did not go to his funeral, but i still see his face on the poster that now hangs in the houses of the siblings of martyr rushdi tamimi in nabi saleh. his murder still seems incomprehensible, unbelievable. i still wonder how his family, his siblings, continue with their lives.
now they were attacked once again. if i only think about the army attacking the family of rushdi or of martyr mustafa tamimi (not that that hasn’t happened, but so far not this violently), my skin crawls and i feel a kind of anger i wouldn’t be able to describe.
imagine having to live with the brutal murder of your young brother/son/cousin, and then having to put up with this continuing abuse. most of us don’t have much reason to imagine this, as chance had us born into this world with more privilege. yet this is why we DO have to, since this global war is fought in part to maintain the privileged, yet unfree status quo of our lives.
الله يرحمك يا سامر and FUCK YOU zionists
irene’s post (photos, captions, and video from her post):
“in the early morning hours of May 26th, an israeli military force broke into the house of the Awad family in the village of Budrus (their son, Samir Awad, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in January of this year). soldiers violently tried to arrest one of the sons, 19 year-old Abed Al-Rahem by dragging him down the stairs. Abed Al Rahem’s sisters attempted to close themselves and him in a room and prevent his arrest. the soldiers then beat several family members, as well as the arrested Abed Al-Rahem, and sprayed some of them with pepper spray. two of the sisters were later taken to the hospital, one with a broken arm and the other needed stitches in her head. soldiers also broke two windows in the Awad’s home and threw stunt grenades into the house, one of which set a mattress on fire.

stunt grenades thrown into the home of the Awad family in the middle of the night by Israeli soldiers.

stunt grenades thrown into the home of the Awad family in the middle of the night by Israeli soldiers.
today the family found out that Abed Al-Rahem was taken to the emergency room of Haddasah Ein Karem hospital under police escort. when we arrived at the hospital, after much searching we found Abed Al-Rahem fully chained and shackled (hands, legs, and those to each other) and his body was covered in injuries (unfortunately images don’t show the severity of his injuries). it was also reported that he needed a neurological consultation due to potential head injury. were were unable to speak with him and police at some point made him stand in the corner facing the wall while he awaited medical care. after a day at the hospital, he was taken back to prison this evening. he will have a court hearing tomorrow for still unknown charges.”

Abed Al Rahem Awad’s sister whose hand was broken after being attacked by Israeli soldiers during a night raid

Abed Al Rahem Awad at Haddassah Ein Karem hospital where he was brought for severe injuries to his body as well as a neurological consultation due to head injury. He was violently arrested by Israeli soldiers who raided his home during the night of May 26th.
video of damages to the Awad home: