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Category Archives: General
war crime: israel purposefully bombs homes – and kills families in the process
according to the ocha situation report, between monday and yesterday, the israeli army destroyed or partially damaged 150 homes in gaza through bombs. an israeli military spokesperson boasted that until yesterday afternoon, over 400 tons of explosives were dropped on … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged air strike, bombing homes, collective punishment, gaza, hamad family, kawara'a family, malaka family, martyr, massacre, palestine/world, war crime
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over 80 murdered, 600 injured, and worse to come
over 80 murdered in gaza and 600 reporteldy injured, not to mention homes demolished, streets destroyed, animals killed, cars including ambulances destroyed… in less than three days. over 400 tons of bombs dropped on gaza in the first two days. … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged gaza, massacre, palestine/world, rage
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mehr als 80 tote, 600 verletzte, in weniger als drei tagen
GAZA IST 360km² gross, viel kleiner als ein zehntel des ruhrgebiets. 1,7 mio menschen leben dort und kommen nicht raus (nur ein paar verletzte dürfe über die ägyptische grenze seit gestern raus). dort wurden seit montag abend mehr als 80 … Continue reading
article about media hypocrisy
“”Israel under renewed Hamas attack”: this was last night’s BBC headline on the escalating bloodshed in Gaza. It is as perverse as Mike Tyson punching a toddler, followed by a headline claiming that the child spat at him. […] the … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged gaza, media hypocrisy, western hypocrisy
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article of how israelis deal with rocket alarm (NOTHING compared to gaza)